The second attempt at the cover shoot took place at Henley Beach this morning at 6AM. And while Adelaide has been sweltering in plus 100 degree weather in the past few days, the climate on the beach this morning was nothing short of perfection. A calm 81 degrees (at 6AM - I kid you not), absolutely no wind whatsoever and a color palette to absolutely die for. What ensued therefore was a photo-shoot for which we couldn't have asked any more of mother nature. She was, in a word, serene.
"How's the serenity"
Again there was a curious audience on the beach - morning walkers with their dogs, marvelling (??) at this little team taking shots of your every day kitchen herbs tied in a much nicer lavender bow on the sand. As there was no wind this time, Mel was able to go wild and get tonnes more shots than she was able to last time. And the early results from reviewing the images their and then was really exciting. Much more organic - we were able to manipulate the posy pretty much any way we wanted and the results, as you can see from my smartphone shots, look pretty nice. Mel also got some pretty specky shots of my noggin' which I am going to use as my profile shots when I submit the project to the publisher. We had some fun with those and I may (as long as I don't get sued by the makers of "Bruno") post some of them here.
A master at work.
Motif on the Sand.
These images represent the idea, but the final result, I am hoping will be a stunning cover image that will really amplify this lovely motif of the rosemary and mint that I have used in the story as a connector between two lives which have been irrevocably altered through tragedy, redemption and love.
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