Sunday, February 2, 2020

Announcement - New Blog At Wordpress.

This is just a short one to let you know that for the past couple of months, I have been blogging more regularly at a new WordPress site that I've set up. 

The reasons for this come down to visibility. While I have enjoyed a reasonable level of exposure over the past ten years here - using the blogging and site tools provided by Google - I haven't enjoyed the level of engagement with visitors as I'd hoped. 

Having dipped my toe in the water with WordPress, I'm finding a much greater level of engagement with visitors both reading, liking and commenting on my content with a great degree of frequency than I have enjoyed here. 

This does not mean that Dean from Australia is going away. I will continue to maintain this site as the primary home for my career as an author. For news, updates and reflections on what I am doing as a writer however, I would invite you to visit my portal at Dean Mayes Author. You can sign up for updates (and, to be clear, I'm no spammer!) and you can receive exclusive news on my forthcoming projects before anyone else. 

For those of you who have interacted with me by way of this website over the past ten years, I'd like to sincerely thank you for doing so.