I've met some wonderful people in the time since I was signed to ireadiwrite Publishing, not the least of which is fellow ireadiwrite author John Rasor. John was one of the first people to congratulate me on the release of "The Hambledown Dream" into print and his counsel was wonderful during a difficult period a few months ago when I was still finding my feet.
John first came to notice with his debut novel for ireadiwrite called "Roadkill", a deliciously sinister and disturbing story of a serial killer with a severe case of road rage who patrols the streets of L.A. and the highways of Southern California running down drivers who are using their cell phones while driving. His rage extends from the tragic death of his wife and unborn child in a similar but unrelated incident. I said at the time that "Roadkill" had me thinking of Denzel Washington's "Man On Fire" and more recently, the Liam Neeson actioner "Taken" in which an insatiable desire for revenge feeds the protagonist. I have to confess that I have a predilection for these types of stories.
In the aftermath of what many regard as the greatest "What the Fuck??" ending of a major television series ever - I refer to Lost by the way - John has sat down, driven by the need to understand, and has penned what could be the definitive tonic to aid all those Lost fans who are still picking themselves up off of the floor. "How Lost Got Lost" is one Lost fan's labor of love, a soliloquy of pent up frustration laid bare. How could one of TV's most engrossing series have jumped the shark so comprehensively? John Rasor examines the Lost phenomenon in a blisteringly funny narrative that is choc full of valuable insights and measured consideration that seeks to answer that one burning question - W.T.F?
Cover art for John Rasor's upcoming release "How Lost Got Lost"
With an official release date marked for August 15th 2010, "How Lost Got Lost" is the companion piece every self respecting "Lost" fan must own. Advanced Reading copies are available for purchase now at ireadiwrite Publishing and further information about John Rasor can be found at his Official Site.
Go get some of this. Those of you who gave six years of your life to Lost owe it to yourselves.